Guides & Toolkits

Guides & Toolkits
Graduate Students Mental Health and Wellbeing
The National Graduate Caucus (NGC) of the Canadian Federation of Students engaged in a one-year research project to develop a graduate student mental health toolkit.This toolkit aims to equip graduate students’ communities to evaluate and improve the state of graduate students’ mental health and wellbeing at post-secondary institutions in Canada.
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MMIWG2S Calls to Justice Membership Advisory
This guide is to help student organizations implement the Calls for Justice relevant to the post-secondary sector as set out in the final report of the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls.
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Anti-Racism Toolkit
This guide is to help students build resources and fight against racism on specifically their campuses. Your organizing teams will meet to organize, discuss and refute white- supremacy, racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, colourism both in their interpersonal, collective and systemic forms.
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Know Your Rights Guide
This guide is for you if you identify as Muslim, regardless of your race, ethnicity, sect, gender, sexual orientation or any other identity marker or social status. This guide is also for you if you are sometimes (or often) perceived by others as being Muslim.
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